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Sedbergh School

Rank #157

School Level


Boarding Age



GCSE, A-Level, and BTEC





Boarding ratio


Basic Information & Location

Sedbergh School is a co-educational independent school in the town of Sedbergh, in North West England. It is one of the nine famous full boarding schools. Sedbergh is within a 90-minute drive of Manchester and Liverpool international airports. The school is founded in 1525 by the Provost of Eton and is said to be “Eton in the north”. The academic results of the school may not be the best in UK but the quality and reputation are exceptional. The school preserves traditional English educational philosophy, and devotes resources on improving the facilities at the same time. Famous alumni include John Bruce Lockhart, the Scottish cricket player and the former housemaster of Rugby School. There are not many Asian in Sedbergh School so it can offer a true British environment to the students.

Academic Development

The school expects its pupils to seize the opportunity or, better, create the opportunity. It is their firm belief that it is much better to try something and fail rather than avoiding something because of the fear of failing. In 2017, 42% of GCSE results were graded A*-A and pupils achieved an overall pass rate between A*-C of 93% while 55% of A-Level exams sat were graded A*-B. Majority of pupils secured their desired grades and places at leading Universities. The most popular university destinations are Newcastle, Edinburgh, Leeds and Loughborough. The school does all it can to ensure that pupils are armed with as much information as possible to safely, confidently and knowledgeably make decisions about their future. All Tutors working with Housemasters and the Careers Department ensure all students and parents are kept informed and are supported at all stages.

Pastoral Care & Boarding

Sedbergh has nine senior Houses in total: six for boys and three for girls. All of them are very traditional. Each House has its own library, common rooms, computer suite and dining room, enabling pupils to study, socialise and dine in their House as well as sleep. Uniquely, they also have an in-house health centre with their own doctor, nurses and physiotherapist. Each House offers an exciting array of activities – ranging from pure fun to the more serious inter-House competitions. These can encourage every pupil to feel they have something worthwhile to contribute, and also to help expand each pupil’s horizons so that they truly gain an all-round education.

Extracurricular & personal development

Extracurricular activities play an important role in the all-round development of students. Combined Cadet Force, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Charity and Voluntary are precious chances for the students to train up their leadership skills and learn to devote in to the community. Thanks to the magnificent location of the school, the opportunities for outdoor activities are almost unlimited – from the calm of fishing to the challenge of kayaking. Some sports activities cannot be found in the southern area such as a caving and mountain biking. The school has excellent performance on rugby and long running. There is a special event called Wilson Run, or Ten Mile. It is a major part of the School’s history and tradition. Race day is a major event of the school and vast number of pupils, parents and alumni will participate in it.

Sedbergh has an enviable reputation for Sports, pupils have been competing in county and country level. There are 34 different sports available in school including basketball, golf, swimming, squash, tennis, shooting and so on.

Sedbergh is good at music and performing arts, many leavers choose to further explore their talents in professional institutes. There are private theater, performing area and record studio at school. Apart from the wide range of activities provided, students can form their own band and join the school’s performance tour. A vast number of students engage in music and drama and they will be offered the opportunities to perform in front of public audience.



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School fee

Year 9


Year 10 - 11


Year 12 - 13



2024 Exam Results (A - Levels)

A* - A


A* - B


2024 Exam Results (GCSE)

A* - A


A* - B


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