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Britannia delivers exceptional consulting services for studying abroad in the UK. We assist parents and students in creating a legendary educational journey together.

Partnering with 90% of the top boarding schools

UCAS application assistance

College entrance examination: G5 prep class

Britannia England
Summer Camp


Dorothy – Year 12
Dorothy每天都有很多節目,學校生活非常充實; 參加了很多課外活動。功課測驗、交朋結友等等一切順利。學校開放日Dorothy還到學校幫手解說和示範化學實驗。從這個星期開始,逢星期一、三放學要上ielts course,大約上兩個terms,之後安排考試。從這裏街坊口中得知Freemen是一間很好很好的學校,謝謝你們的幫助。
Jacey and Jaxon – Summer Camp
佢哋兩個話個camp 好玩,地方大,又有草地可以試唔同sport同遊樂設施。科學實驗有趣,可以自己試,話仲art 堂手工都好玩。Jacey 話堂上教完Shakespeare 然後參觀Shakespeare 故鄉。Warwick castle 個表演好睇。學校食物款式多又好食,尤其廚師啲意粉同自製雪糕好美味。可以好密洗衫,自理冇問題。
Haydn – Summer Camp
今次這個summer camp除了有活動教學之外,還有戶外運動,配合老師悉心教導,小朋友非常投入學校周圍的自然環境,可以給小朋友自由自在地在草地「滾來滾去」,haydn 說這也是他最喜愛的活動之一。不得不提,學校食物豐富,難得小朋友讚口不絕,吃得津津有味,胃口大開!
M.H. – Year 12
我啱啱琴日返咗嚟香港啦,送咗阿仔入學, 佢適應得好好啊!去到學校一日半日就識到好多新朋友,亦都好鍾意間學校!學校老師非常之好,同學都好friendly, 咁呢幾日我都有 keep 住搵佢,佢話佢都好鍾意間學校,話學校好忙好多節目,咁佢都好開心。多謝你一直幫我follow up 阿仔嘅case啦!同埋好快速咁覆我啲message!
Viana Lee 
Janice 清楚明白我為小朋友轉校的原因。在整個過程中,她都很配合我的需要,展現了她的專業。面對香港眾多的國際學校選擇,我們最終收到 Shrewsbury Hong Kong 同時取錄兩位小朋友,這都要感謝 Janice 的分析和建議。
Ms. Peggy Yip
I am writing this letter to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional professional service provided by Ms. Janice Poon. Over the past few months, she has been instrumental in assisting and guiding me through the process of arranging overseas study opportunities for my daughter.
Ian Chong – University
小朋友已經順利入讀英國學校,在此非常感謝公司同事Janice Poon。 多謝她的專業介紹和積極跟進,回復快,經驗豐富,有耐心,如果下次有朋友想申請國外大學,還會介紹你們公司并找Janice。 謝謝!
Cassandra Ho – Foundation
This is the second time I’ve sought your assistance for my son’s Chaco Pun education, first for his Year 10 studies and now for university in the UK. On both occasions, your team has successfully identified schools with great potential for his future. I would like to particularly commend your consultants Janice Poon, Nicole, and Edmund for their outstanding professionalism and support.

School Directory

Finding you the perfect UK boarding school



10 years old – 17 years old

The advantages of collaboration between English Proficiency Education and British schools are as follows:

  1. Abundant Teaching Resources: English Proficiency Education can leverage the high-quality educational resources of British schools, including textbooks, curriculum outlines, and teaching methods. These resources are rigorously evaluated and tested, providing students with a comprehensive and in-depth learning experience.

  2. Excellent Teaching Staff: British schools often have highly skilled and experienced teaching staff with expertise in various subjects and effective teaching techniques. Students can benefit from the guidance and inspiration of these exceptional educators, leading to improved learning outcomes.

  3. Global Perspective: Through collaboration with British schools, English Proficiency Education can introduce international teaching concepts and methodologies. This helps students gain a broader understanding of different cultures and ways of thinking, fostering their global perspective and cross-cultural communication abilities.

  4. Language Advantage: English is the primary medium of instruction in British schools. As students learn in English, they naturally improve their language proficiency. This language advantage holds significant value for their future academic and career development, especially in today′s globalized world.

  5. Academic Exchange and Collaboration Opportunities: Collaborating with British schools facilitates not only student and teacher exchanges but also institutional cooperation. This enables sharing of teaching resources, exchanging best practices, and driving progress and innovation in the field of education.

In summary, the collaboration between English Proficiency Education and British schools offers higher-quality educational resources and learning opportunities, enriching students’ learning experiences, and nurturing their international competitiveness and global perspectives.

Your time is now! Kickstart your UK education journey today!

Unleash the full potential of your academic journey as our expert consultants provide comprehensive guidance, propelling you towards remarkable achievements with the UK institution of your choice.

As Seen On

由Kitebrook Preparatory School校長Bennjamyn Smith親自統籌,並由學校老師主理,目標讓參加學生體驗英國寄宿學校生活,透過教授各種學科知識,感受英國的學習生活和提升學術水平。

選項1)7月12 日- 7月19日(一星期)
選項2)7月12 日 – 7月26日(兩星期)
選項3)7月26 日 – 8月2日(一星期)
選項4)7月26 日 – 8月9日(兩星期)
☎️查詢電話:3184 0362