Basic Information & Location
Rossall School is a co-educational school which has 663 students in total (ages 2-19), with 7% Chinese, 1.5% HK SAR. The school offers a wide range of programmes for students to choose, namely A Level, IB, GCSE, IGCSE, BTEC Sport, International courses (including pre GCSE + pre A Level). 50% of the students achieved A*/A at GCSE.
Rossall is strong for Arts & Sports (New Art Schools and Sports Centre) and is UK #1 Golf Academy and Football academy with Fleetwood Town FC.
In recent years, university destinations include Oxbridge (7%), Imperial (5%), Lancaster (18%), Manchester (24%). 8 students applied for Oxbridge and were interviewed this year.
School Motto
Mens Agitat Molem (Mind Over Matter)
Academic Development
Students experience an improvement of grade average by two levels. Over 75% go to Russell Group universities, in addition to stats above.
Pastoral Care & Boarding
No exeats, each boarding house has 1 or 2 house parents (teachers in school) along with house tutors. Boarding ages are 7-19. British day pupils also attached to boarding houses and will study in study rooms outside of lessons. Recognised as a friendly and happy school.
Extra-curricular & Personal Development
CCF, and over 100+ activities throughout the course of the year, outstanding sports academies, facilities and artistic resources (including music and drama). Flexibility to introduce new areas of interest, such as volleyball and horse riding, which has occurred in recent years.