Basic Information & Location
Campbell College is a boarding school for boys with a century-old history. The school is approximately 100 acres, with a small lake and forest med Netherleigh, providing wide spaces for students to learn and participate in different activities. In 2015, Campbell College was rated as one of the ten best value boarding schools in the UK by The Telegraph.
School Motto
Campbell College strives to build an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding. It values more on the learning process than results. Campbell hopes the graduates can contribute to society in the future, and hopes the knowledge they acquired in school can help them face the challenges ahead.
Academic Matters
The curriculum and the teaching methods are specifically designed for boys. The school is concerned with students’ academic performance and hopes they can achieve outstanding results, so it sets higher standards for the students. Mathematics and Science subjects are what Campbell is good at. It also offers other special A-level subjects, such as Moving Images Art, Applied Business, Digital Technology, Politics, Media Studies, and etc.
Boarding/ Pastoral Care
Campbell College understands that students want to have their own private space. From Year 10, students can enjoy their own private rooms. Year 13 newcomers can also choose to live in dorm suites with full-set facilities, which allow more room for them to study independently.
The school aims to develop the boys’ talents and interests. As a boy school, Campbell has a wide range of activities with state-of-the-art facilities for students to consume their energy. Campbell is famous for rugby, and it has won the Ulster Schools Cup for more than 23 times. Hockey and archery are also Campbell’s strengths. Behind the impressive results are the excellent facilities. Besides rugby pitches, tennis courts and hockey courts, the school also has an indoor archery training centre, gym rooms and a swimming pool. Apart from the impressive performance in sports, Campbell also has a Politics & Debating society, which develops students’ public speaking and communication skills, and encourage pupils to participate in debate competitions within and beyond school. Two members have even achieved seats in the UK Youth Parliament.