Basic Information & Location
Blundell’s School is located in Devon, Southwest England. The school has about 600 students, of which most are local students in the UK and 8% are international students, from Brazil, Chi, France, Germany, Hong Kong, South Korea and other places. There are regional airports at Bristol (60 mins) and Exeter (20 mins). Coaches operate every 30 minutes between Heathrow and Reading railway station to connect with the direct train services to Tiverton Parkway.
School Motto
Pro Patria Populoque – For the country and the people
Academic Development
The school sees exam performance as a way of opening doors in the future, rather than an end unto itself.
Its highly effective academic approach is based on the very latest research into the way in which pupils learn. Self-efficacy, derived from both believing that every student can succeed and being believed in, is key, as the school knows that a pupil with drive and determination to do well, whatever their academic ability, will find achievement at every turn.
Complementing this, Blundell’s has a carefully-constructed system in place to guide pupils towards a more active approach to their learning. Rather than sitting back and listening, pupils need to be on the front foot – asking questions, discussing ideas, looking things up, engaged and thinking for themselves.
Filly, the school is committed to entwining the academic and the pastoral that pupils learn when they are supported and happy, and ensuring that every pupil at Blundell’s is known and fully supported to achieve their best.
Pastoral Care & Boarding
The boarding house system is central to pastoral care of the school, as is the underlying principle that the school should know each child as an individual. Whether emotional, social, intellectual or spiritual, the support offered to pupils is second-to-none, and ensures that all Blundellians are able to grow and thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Housemasters and Housemistresses, along with their tutor teams, make it a priority to not only know the pupils in their care, but to be there for them whenever they are needed. In addition, the school’s Welfare Team, led by the Second Master, is fully and directly involved in the care of the pupils, and works to ensure that the pastoral support we offer is comprehensive, connected, and consistent.
Extra-curricular & Personal Development
Blundell’s recognises the talents of each individual pupil and each pupil should have the opportunity to develop these talents in whatever field they enjoy.
The importance of pupil well-being and a healthy lifestyle is paramount to the school. Taking part in Music, Drama, and Sport, Outdoor pursuits, activities or clubs can lead to a lifelong participation or maybe just fun and enjoyment with school friends while enjoying life at Blundell’s. Blundell’s has indeed a rich and vibrant Co–Curricular programme.
Blundell’s has a proud tradition of present and former pupils playing at the highest level of sporting competition. Every year pupils compete at the English Schools athletics meet, swimmers who train with local clubs have been selected for representative honours and top netballers are selected for The Team Bath Netball Academy.