Appreciated the value of Gloria’s family support that made her complete the Sixth Form life and University life in the UK and Canada, she found her nearly 4-year tenure at Britannia to be the most enjoyable job she has had. As an international student herself, she understands firsthand how it feels to study miles away from home and knows all too well the challenges of dealing with the loneliness.
Despite these challenges, she thrived in her role and developed a deep empathy for international students. Throughout her career at Britannia, she has worked closely with all consultants and handled all administrative issues with the precision and care of a seasoned professional. Constantly in dialogue with parents, she reassures them with her firsthand experience and practical advice, helping to smooth out any worries they might have.
As she always says, “You can’t do something for so long without truly enjoying it,” and “Never Don’t forget your original intention” is also a principle she has held since her first day at Britannia. She believes this is not only a job, but also a guideline for students. Gloria’s warm personality and sense of humor has made her a favorite among both students and parents.
Overall, her time at Britannia has been incredibly rewarding, and she is grateful for the opportunity to support international students through their academic journeys. This experience has been invaluable in shaping her professional and personal growth.