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St Lawrence College


Prep and Senior




GCSE and A-Level







Basic Information & Location

As a co-educatiol boarding and day school, St Lawrence welcomes pupils from all around the world to benefit from the best of the British educatiol system. This diversity makes the school a cosmopolitan and vibrant place, where pupils leave us prepared for the challenges of the globalised world of work and study. We have high expectations and encourage children to persevere to gain success; we are rewarded with children achieving great things academically, in sports and in the arts.

Academic Development

Academic standards are high but, being largely non-selective, we welcome pupils from a broad ability range and we value a wide range of talents. Our aim is for each pupil to achieve well above their expectations, whatever their ability level, regularly outperforming selective schools. Kirby House is the home of the thriving Middle School for Years 7 and 8. Easing the transition from junior to senior education, Kirby provides outstanding pastoral care. Pupils are taught by Senior School teachers and use all of the Senior School facilities. Small class sizes encourage confidence and eble rapid progress as teachers can give each pupil the utmost individual attention. Moving up to Senior School, the Year 9 curriculum provides a secure foundation for GCSE studies to be started the following year. Those joining the Sixth Form are warmly welcomed and quickly feel like they belong. We offer a wide choice of subjects at A Level and meticulous care is taken by staff in guiding pupils towards suitable subject choices. We believe that students have the right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment and that high standards of behaviour allow this to occur.

Pastoral Care & Boarding

Boarding at St Lawrence College should, as far as possible, reflect family life. We aim, therefore, to be an open and trusting community where a sense of individualism and collective responsibility is fostered. Within our community pupils should feel safe and secure, free from the threat of all forms of bullying and in an environment where they can be happy, healthy and fulfilled.

Boarding at St Lawrence College should develop a strong moral sense, where pupils pride themselves upon bring truthful and honest. They should have a high regard for the happiness of others and respect for both their possessions and privacy. We aim to develop leaders and team players; self-confident young people who can work with others. Prefects and other senior pupils within the House will br trained by House staff so that duties are carried out in a fair, reasoble and altogether unthreatening manner.

Extra-curricular & Persol Development

We place great importance on the values of service and citizenship, good leadership, self-knowledge, independence and consideration for those around us.

There is more to education than just exam results and we aim to develop pupils’ wider skills through our extensive range of extra-curricular activities. The range of opportunities available to our pupils ebles every individual to find their niche, from Scuba-Diving to Film Club, Chess to Horse Riding, and we try to ensure a balance of adventurous and creative options.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Combined Cadet Force provide further rewarding opportunities for persol development and leadership, with field trips and expeditions offered throughout the year.

Pupils are also able to enhance classroom learning with educatiol trips including visits to London’s galleries and theatres, Year 7 French trip to Calais, GCSE History Field Trip to the Somme, and many other local field trips.


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Year 6


Year 7 - 8


Year 9


Year 10 - 11


Year 12 - 13



2023 考試成績(A - Levels)

A* - A


A* - B


2023 考試成績(GCSE)

A* - A


A* - B



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