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Tatiana – Y7
My time in Bromsgrove school was amazing! I loved spending time with my friends and had fun learning new things, some of my favourite moments were definitely during my time here. But since I am horrible at any sport, I disliked when we had to do sports a lot. Many of the gap teachers are very encouraging and always listen to me when I need help. Another thing I am grateful for, is I always felt safe around my friends and teacher. The food in the school is also quite delicious! I love how the school always make sure the boarders have trips on weekends.
Chan – Year 10
Thank you Britannia′s team especially Carson gave us a careful analysis of the characteristics of different schools and most importantly, they correct our traditional opinions when making the selection. Our son studied in Bede’s for almost 2 years, Carson continued to provide us with professional ideas and our son developed an interest in learning, made new friends and integrated well into the local culture. Our special thanks to Bede′s for taking good care of our son, the school truly teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, so that children can improve their potential and give full play to their strengths. In addition, the school arranged for a teacher to accompany the students returning to Hong Kong during pandemic situation, which impressed us the most.
Vallerie, Y11
Teachers here are really caring and they are willing to sacrifice their own time helping students. One of the biggest differences here compared to hk is that communication between teachers and students is very important. If there is anything the student wants to do but the school does not seem to provide it, the school encourages us to ask for it and will help us in every way possible. For example, my chemistry teacher changed the colour of his whole presentation after knowing a student is colour-blind. The campus is quite nice as well. My friends and myself love sitting on the grass on a sunny day. We always go for a walk on the field and I′ve always enjoyed it. The school encourages us to try different things. There′s a big drama or musical each year, stem, bagpipes and loads of different sport. I was in the band for the musical playing with professionals, I had great fun and I have made new friends in the band. As ISP is a really small class, you will have a close relationship with your classmates. However, going to socials and reels (Scottish dancing) is an easy way to make new friends. Don′t be scare to talk to people here, most of them are really nice.
Wong Sibling, Y10, Y7
Three years ago, we started to think about what’s best fitting my son’s education when he was approaching the decision point whether to continue the US study path in HK (AP) or switching to UK path (GCSE/AL). The decision was never an easy one and luckily we got the opportunity to get to know Britianna, and Carson. From knowing close to nothing to now I am sending both of my kids abroad (including my younger teen girl this year), Carson has been so helpful in advising and making the whole process smooth. To us, a good school does not simply equal to only academic excellence but most importantly a place which can provide a safe environment to support the important stage of transformation from teens to young adults – character building, learning from peers, independent thinking, problem solving, resilience, independence, taking accountability and time management etc This is the second year my son at Oakham school. Apart from working hard on the GCSE subjects, he has to choose a “service” throughout Y10 and 11, of which he has chosen CCF Army as his choice. CCF provides ample opportunity to challenge him to go beyond the comfort zone, ranging from learning the essentials of shooting to survival skills like sleeping in a forest without proper camp setting! He now also discovered his hidden talent in small air rifle shooting. As part of the school team now some of his weeks are busy in inter-school competitions. With the brother’s experience, his younger sister also took a bold decision this year to study year 7 in UK. We are so impressed by the “complete education” offered by Benenden. When we met the housemistress and tutor, they showed real care and true understanding on what the girl needs. Their daily routine is truly busy but fulfilled. At Benenden, she got to try so many new things to widen her horizon: contemporary dancing, public speaking, drama to name a few. On top of academics, she learns to take care on her own self, waking up 6 or 7-ish am and be on bed 8:30-9 pm. We were so impressed by seeing a 12 years old girl able to pack all on her own nicely for exeat and term break. In short, we really are not able to find any comparable learning experience at her age in Hong Kong and we feel blessed to have her in Benenden to start her boarding school life earlier. Thank you Britianna and Carson!
Aiko, Y12
My time at Norwich school was the best secondary school years I had. The school prioritises developing students’ personal growth via a diverse range of resources and opportunities rather than solely focusing on academic achievements. It focuses on building students’ confidence, personal interests, creative thinking, critical thinking and cultivating students’ intrinsic motivations to learn and advance. Norwich school changed my outlook on my academic and leadership capabilities through providing me the chance to explore my potentials. The skills and confidence built further prepared me to take on various leadership roles during my time at university (e.g., founder & chairperson of ARTSMH; chairperson of student committee, BPS (U.K. psychology professional accreditation body), QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) psychology subject benchmark statement student representative). I would like to take this chance to thank Britannia Studylink for making my journey at Norwich school possible and for being an important part of actualising my dreams and goals. Not only has Britannia studylink helped me successfully secured a place at Norwich school, they also provided me with my first-ever internship. They are truly a passionate team of responsible, reliable and friendly education consultants.
CHENG – Year 9
在2020年孩子決定到英國留學,在Britannia的幫助下,成功被Oundle School錄取。初入學校期間,作為父母的我百般擔心,當聽到孩子告訴我在學校很開心,老師和不同國籍的同學們一起,大家相處像親人一樣,是一個非常快樂的大家庭,我聽后如釋重負。 Oundle學校的老師每周都很及時通過郵件報告孩子的學習情況,和生活情況,讓家長隨時都了解孩子的動態,還有舍監老師經常會在Instagrams上發布孩子的動態相冊,讓家長可以看到孩子在學校的真實情況,多少緩解了一些家長對孩子的思念和牽掛。學校己經把孩子的時間安排的非常丰富,孩子們根本沒有時間想念家人。 很快這個學年即將結束,孩子在學校收獲良多,各科學術和音樂學校都給予了高度的評價和鼓勵。 再一次感謝Britannia,感謝Carson和Caris每次的耐心講解和幫助,讓孩子進入適合他的學校。
Ben – Year 10
By the recommendation of Britannia, I joined Bloxham School at 2020, during the midst of the pandemic. Their warm and tight-knitted community ensured that I was quick to adapt to the boarding lifestyle, and a busy schedule kept me occupied. After two years of studying at the school, I feel extremely welcomed at the school, as teachers and classmates alike are amicable towards all new-comers. Public events like a MUN held at a nearby school, as well as other events, has given me valuable life skills as well as many unique opportunities – I was able to speak at the Oxford Union, even, where many public men and women (including, oddly, James Blunt) has spoken. I thoroughly recommend any student wishing to join a warm and friendly community, nested within a small village just outside Oxford, to join Bloxham.
Wayne Lam, Y9
Wayne 積極參與校內活動,而且校內成績都不錯,Caterham的確係間好學校,老師好好,好caring
學校嘅音樂活動讓兒子有很多參與機會,另外課外活動有很多類型,例如欖球、游水等等。 兒子喺香港沒有玩欖球,但係佢去到都鍾意呢項活動,再加埋佢融入到啲同學仔,所以就更加適應。 個人認為Barnard Castle內階級觀念唔重,至於House Master同埋Tutor對家長的問題都好快回應,而且好關心小朋友。 至於學術方面佢哋都會有啲提議比我個仔應該如何改善,兼設有網上家長老師見面會。
一切都很好! 1)大部份老師都非常高水準。 2)補課support都會因應學生程度而安排,老師又會和家長zoom meeting講解學生不足之處。 3)寄宿生活都愉快,但如果食物可以再豐富啲咁就100分,課外活動每星期日都會有,又時常舉辦不同類型的party令學生溝通多咗。 4)幫助學生搵工,又會帶佢哋去不同大學參觀,對她們來說都是大開眼界及較難忘的經驗。 OIC真係一間除咗學術方面成績好,其他各方面都真係做得好好。
在Carson的協助下,兒子於2020年9月入讀Cheltenham College,經過接近兩年的學習,事實證明這是一個非常正確及適合孩子的選擇。 CC為孩子提供了一個非常全面的學習環境,無論運動、音樂、學術、社交以及個人牧養上,均提供了不同的渠道,讓孩子能加以發揮及成長。 我特別欣賞舍監為孩子建立了有規律的生活步伐,在監管之餘,給予信任,讓孩子能建立健康的生活習慣及成熟的時間管理系統,這為他日後的成長及發展打好了非常重要的基礎。兒子現在明顯地更能獨立處理個人事務,有系統地安排學習與玩樂時間。 雖然受到疫情影響,兒子過去兩年在社交活動及海外考察方面也被限制了,但正正因為他身在英國留學,他仍能保持與別人的正常社交及與大自然的接觸,戶外運動仍能正常舉行,這對他的身心靈也有很大的幫助。 我很感恩兒子有機會到英國留學,也感謝Carson介紹Cheltenham College給兒子,個人絕對認為這是一間非常優質的英國寄宿學校。
Max Chan
We like the Leys School is not just only it is a good leading boarding school in Cambridge. The whole school is full of family atmosphere. It offers an excellent pastoral care to students, particularly to the international boarders. It encourages and motivates the students to be confidence and independent. I am glad to seeing my son can have opportunity to study here. Thank you Martin Sit to helping and recommending the school.
一轉眼小朋友已經開了學半年(囡yr 10, 囝yr 7) Worth school day student。 他們基本上已經完全適應了這邊學校的生活了。 但因為當日跳了一級,我囡沒有讀yr 9,有些science 的科目pick up會有一點困難,唯有自己加把勁。 聽他們說,Worth 除了個別一兩位老師教書會比較悶,整體師資不錯,尤其我女喜歡Art,我仔喜歡音樂,這些在香港不太受重視的學科在這邊都得到很大的發揮,老師超愛他們,他們在學校是星一樣? 沒有特別補課安排,反而我們很喜歡他們的課外活動安排,例如我囝學鋼琴和大提琴,都安排在課堂時間上進行,那麼就不用像香港那樣放了學還在奔奔波波學這學那,放了學的時間就是他們的?。 有一點我和另一香港家長一樣十分喜歡Worth的就是,他們有很多校內音樂concert的演出機會,因為我仔頗有音樂天份,學校常常都有一些節目給他們演出,有時還歡迎家長觀賞,都是十分好的經驗,我們非常enjoy! 運動方面我兩位小孩子都有點卻步,學校打lacrosse 竟然冇shield,有一次打在眼下打得很「應」,本來阿女好鍾意這類運動,因為她在香港也有玩 in-line Hockey打比賽,而家放棄lacrosse 改做fitness 算了。 唯獨是這間學校上學時間真的較長,可能因為要遷就boarder 的schedule,變相連普通day student 的上課時間也很長(每天5:30pm放學),也會有點辛苦。 So far 學校整體感覺都不錯。 我們也很感激你們團隊當天的幫忙令到我們一家在英國展開了新生活 衷心多謝你們已離職的同事Richelle 和老闆Samual。
academic support 每個星期都有一個tutor session,嗰段時間我哋可以問吓一啲學業上嘅問題,而夜晚boarding house入邊都會有一個tutor on duty,做功課有啲咩唔識嘅時候就可以問佢。 school life 我哋學校星期一至六都要上堂,但係星期六淨係上朝頭早嗰四堂。year 10 嘅學生只需要喺星期一、星期五上晏晝堂,星期二下午就要參加一個課外活動(eg. cookery, CCF) 星期三、四和六下午就要做運動 (hockey for girls or rugby for boys) 每個星期六下午都會有同其他學校嘅運動比賽,如果被選中,就可以參加比賽,但係每個term每個人都可以參加at least 一次比賽。由year 11開始就唔會有咁多課外活動,但係每星期至少都有1-2次。之後基本上seniors由16:00開始就係free time,可以留在房間做自己嘢/去music school 玩樂器/出去同friend玩。18:30 就去食晚餐,19:30 roll call,19:45-21:00 prep time 21:30 交手機 22:00 lights out。
在2018年我決定到英國留學,在Britannia的幫助下,我成功被King’s College Taunton錄取,在GCSE同ALEVEL的課程之中,我認識了很多不同國籍的朋友,亦都通過參與學校舉行的活動深入了解英國文化,令我大開眼界 ! 在2021年我開展了大學多姿多彩的生活,再一次多謝Iris 幫助我和提供意見,讓我可以仔細分析每個offer和落力去爭取到自己喜歡的科目!最後能考上了一間適合我的大學,讓我能夠在我喜歡的範疇內表現自己同時間與不同同學交流拓展視野! Thank You Iris! Thank you Britannia!
Hayden and Charlotte
Both of them take some time getting used to the new school. They begin to enjoy school life here. The school is good and very caring in particular for new comers. Teachers are kind and encouraging. Students are offered opportunities to try new things. Though it appears that the academic is not very strong, Hayden and Charlotte are interested in learning in particular the new subject like Spanish and French.
Edith Lam
我14歲就來到St George’s修讀Upper 4,並開始寄宿,至今已是第5年。回望當初,我會說這裡的環境和教學方式與香港很不同。我的老師很了解我,他們友善又樂於助人,我感覺我在這裡更能發揮個人潛能。我在蘇格蘭進階高級程度課程中,選修純粹數學、機械學及統計學。我即將在St Andrews大學修讀數學系。對我來說,轉學到St George’s真的改變了我的人生。
一般來說,我們在香港不會擁有太多領導機會。我現在是St George’s的宿舍長,但如果我仍在香港讀中學,我就較難體驗擔任領袖的感覺。這是在香港和英國學習的最大分別。我計劃明年回港修讀醫科或牙醫學士課程,所以我正在經特定申請程序提交申請。過程中,老師在各方面也有提供協助,包括修改我的個人陳述,以及為我安排面試練習。所以我才能體驗及了解醫科面試的模式。
I think studying in UK is really nice. I became happier than before. I met lots of good friends and they’re really nice to me. Learning all the subjects in english is hard but it’s fun to learn about different languages. I don’t regret that I came oversea to go to school because it brings me loads of happiness.
Charlene Fong
I enjoy studying in Wycliffe because it provides a lot of opportunities for me to experience new things. One of the new things that I am experiencing right now is the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. It offers me a chance to acquire skills and also to prove myself. I am hoping to take Geography, Economics, Psychology and Japanese at A level. At University, I am hoping to study subjects related to Humanities. Teachers and staffs are also very friendly and really good at catering our needs. I am glad to study here as I can learn to be independent and also develop my self-confidence.
Kandace Ying
Ruthin School, located in a small town of Ruthin, far away from the city distraction, leading me to concentrate in academic. Frankly, I spend most of the time in studying, and prepare myself in every Saturday test. It is demanding especially not being the smartest student at school, meaning that I need to spend more of my leisure time I used to have to study. On the other hand, I have met a lot of friends and schoolmates and they are mostly come from the Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and most of them from China, which is also the largest proportion of students in the school community. During the weekends, I habitually go to Tesco after Saturday test and then eat dinner with friends in common room or in town. Most of the time, I visit the Chinese restaurants either getting takeaway or dine in. On Sundays, school usually organises school trips to Manchester, Liverpool and Chester. During half term, in the order of safety, we are not allowed to stay outside school unless we are staying in with our parents or guardians. Furthermore, we are not allowed to have relationships with opposite sex in the matter of negative influence in academic. Drinking alcohol in school is prohibited and student who is being caught in disobeying school rules will be expelled unless the principal is being generous and suspend student for week(s). Indeed, trying to break the school rules bring a huge consequences and at the mean time to ensure students obeying the school rules. To sum up, my overall experience in Ruthin School is pleasant and hope striving my best in A levels.